Camping General Terms & Agreements
All campers will be assigned to a particular camping space(s), non-electrical campers will be placed in a separate area.
Persons using electricity are reminded that electrical hook-ups are to be with proper receptacles only.
Only heavy-duty extension cords are to be used for electrical hook-ups.
Only one camping unit per each extension cord.
Generators may not be used until 5:00 am and must be shut off at 10:00 pm
All premises around camping units are to be kept clean and sanitary. Please take out what you bring in.
Trash is to be placed in designated containers ONLY
No fast driving in the campground area. It is strictly prohibited!
No dumping of wastewater or sewage on the surface of the grounds.
All camp fire’s must be set in a designated area and must be 50 feet away from a building and/or structure. Campers must use a fire ring and the fire must be supervised by an adult. No use of a gas heater or any sort of open flame inside a building/shelter area.
Please clean up after your pets.
Don’t wash dishes in the restrooms
Please put picnic tables and trash cans back if you moved them to your site
No use of staples, nails, or screws is to hang materials or signs unless approved by the fair board. (no hanging of plastic or tarps in shelter area)
Payment is due when you make your reservation. Please submit payment through the online form. Payments must be received on or before the arrival date. NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN.
Failure to comply with the rules and regulations may result in evection from the Van Buren County Fairgrounds. All campers must sign the release and waiver form along with payment upon arrival.
Your campsite will be marked with your name. Please make sure to notify the campground superintendent if you have any questions or concerns.
Camping will be reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis, with those camping last year getting top priority for their same spot.
The fair association will not be liable for the theft of any article or the damage of any article by fire, or any act of a child/minor staying overnight in the campground, without adult supervision.
The fair association will not be liable for any electrical equipment or damage thereto because of variations in electric rent.
The fair board reserves the right to remove anyone from the campgrounds for any reason.
By reading and signing, you agree not to sue or hold Van Buren County Fair Board and Association responsible for any loss, liability, damage, or cost that may occur while camping at the Van Buren County Fair Grounds. By signing this form, you assume full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury, death, property damage, etc.
Please enjoy your stay as we offer electric hookups and a shower house on site
For questions, email vanburencountyfair@gmail.com or call 641-680-0026.
Make your reservation and payment by completing the online form below.
No cash or checks accepted!
Maps of the Grounds